Monday, 12 September 2016

Lesson 2: Charcoal Studies

Starter: Selecting an image
Look through your concertina book and select 2 artists/primary images which engage you the most - reflect on your development cycles. 

Lesson Aims: To respond to your chosen theme by creating a series of A2 studies that link to your artist research.

Assessment Objectives: AO1 / AO2 / AO3 / AO4

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Select an artist or primary image from your concertina to enlarge
2. Work with paint and charcoal to create a min of 1 A2 study
3. Receive 1-1 teacher feedback - highlighting targets for start of project
4. Present your study to the class in a mini-critique.
Extension: Cover an A2 sheet in charcoal and 'rub' into it to create your drawing.


Choose the dominant colour within your image and using a brush or a paint roller create an expressive background. 

A2 Studies:
Using charcoal 'up-scale' your selected image onto your background. What marks / tone can you see within your image? Work loosely and don't be afraid to draw/smudge over lines that have gone wrong! Be inspired by your classmates around you...

Student Examples:

Plenary: Mini-Critique!
Display your studies and walk around the room viewing each other's work. As a group we will reflect on the following 2 questions...

1. What are the drawings successes?
2. How would you develop the drawing further?


1. Complete concertina for submission last lesson of the week 
2. Take photographs related to 'theme' and gather relevant secondary imagery
3. Research Pinterest and use GoogleDrive for artist/project inspiration
4. Complete the following written review:

It is important that you reflect on the journey you have been on in your concertina book and write a written review to clearly explain your focus and inspiration for Unit 3!


Reflect on your ideas sheet / concertina and discuss the different artists/experiments/subject matters you have explored in your concertina and why!

• Write an explanation of the brief selected and why? What techniques/artists in your concertina made you come to this decision?

Discuss the ideas behind the selection for your brief - did it come from a common theme in your concertina? If so, explain! During your concertina you might of discovered a new skill or experimental technique - what are you keen to continue developing throughout your work in Unit 3? 


• Discuss the two artists/designers you have selected as inspiration from your concertina...

Reflect on artists you have researched throughout your concertina - how have they inspired you to select your brief? What is it about their work that you are keen to explore further? e.g. subject matter, technique, materials, etc.

This is your opportunity to sum-up your direction for Unit 3 and what you want to continue developing!

• Comment on your focus/direction for Unit 3...

What is your next step? Will you continue to develop/combine certain techniques or do you want to test/research new materials associated to your artists? What photographs are you going to take? What secondary research are you going to explore? Think about your subject matter/theme for Unit 3 and remember to discuss why!

Deadline: First lesson w/c 21st September 2015!

You must submit your concertina last lesson of this week!

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