Complete last week's weekly progress tracker and fill in this week's sheet with as much detail as possible. Keep in a safe place as you will be using this sheet each week for assessment progress and more importantly to keep you on track!
Lesson Aims: Continue to develop your work further through the 'What If?' activity to explore new possibilities within your project.
Assessment Objectives: AO1/AO2/AO3/AO4
Lesson Objectives:
1. Complete the weekly progress sheet
2. Complete the 'What If' activity and select 2 options to experiment with this week
3. Create a fresh set of prep work (photocopying, printmaking, collages, line work, Photoshop, etc.)
4. Receive teacher feedback on current work and complete a December review.
Extension: Research our Pinterest board for new techniques to incorporate within your work!
What If?
Choose 2 'What If?' options from the words on the sheet below (or come up with your own words!) and use these to develop a new way of exploring your project focus - the aim is to produce a different look on your boards! E.g. Change scale / colour / imagery, etc.
Prep Work
Create a fresh set of prep work in response to your 'What If?' task - this may require photocopying, printmaking, collages, Photoshop work, line drawing, etc. You should also add images of other artists work that may inspire this new work!
Photocopy your studies - crop, enlarge, change colour, invert, repeat, move it, etc!
To be successful at recording you must successfully sketch out ideas, collage, experiment with hand/digital materials to create a range of interesting patterns/marks, include photographs, detailed annotation, etc!
Recording ideas/processes for a painting:
Explore collage - you will need to find a range of source imagery to work with before you get started!
These are some techniques you could try in Fragment, Brushes and Photoshop to enrich your prep work!
FRAGMENT APP: Use an iPhone/iPad and create quick fragmented studies of photos or prep work! You could use these as base layers, collage or create a new exciting composition!
BRUSHES APP: Create digital paintings or interesting patterns/marks to work on top of!
STENCIL: Create a stencil to cut-out and spray/sponge paint through or layer up on top of colour.
DOUBLE/MULTIPLE EXPOSURE: Use multiple images/studies to layer up and experiment with colour/transparency - you could even heat transfer and use these to stitch into or print out and further work on top!
1. Create a min of 3 experimental studies using your 'What If?' options
2. Start recording ideas/processes in details using the above examples as guidance - this includes 'swatches' as before
3. Mount development board by last lesson of the week - including personal annotation
4. Complete and submit concertina book with Personal Study mounted inside by 11th December!
DEADLINE: 11th December 2:35pm!
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